Corn has gotten a really bad rap lately with films like King Corn and Supersize Me, as well as, the commercial wars over high fructose corn syrup, but sweet yellow or white corn is always welcome on my dinner plate (or breakfast or lunch) as long as it is local and in season! The corn that has become ubiquitous in processed foods, fast food meals and sweet drinks, feed for livestock and fuel for our cars is not what we expect to see at the backyard BBQs. Numerous non-edible varieties of corn are used for the, well, non-edible uses. Whether it is edible or not though corn requires a humongous amount of energy and chemical input to get good yields.
What's unique about the corn we get from One Straw Farm is it is organic which is actually quite challenging to grow. One Straw didn't grow corn for most of its history as a farm but CSA members clamored for corn in their share so Drew and Joan started experimenting. They have gotten pretty good at it but a word to the wise with your CSA might have a few residents living and feeding in it. And it probably won't be around for long because fighting all those bugs and worms is only effective in the beginning.
Ok enough of the blah blah blah about corn. On to what you really want which is new ideas for how to use it!
Storage Tips: Wrap unhusked ears in a plastic bag and refrigerate until preparation time. Do not remove husks before storing fresh corn....The husks help retain freshness.
Storage Tips: Wrap unhusked ears in a plastic bag and refrigerate until preparation time. Do not remove husks before storing fresh corn....The husks help retain freshness.