Monday, August 13, 2012

Tomato, brown rice and quinoa risotto

So I like to make my risotto with brown rice, since it is a) healthier and b) a little more hands-off with the cooking. I didn't really use a recipe for this so I'll just outline what I did generally.

Aromatic vegetables: 1 onion, 3 cloves garlic, 1 jalapeno, all finely chopped.
Roasted vegetables: 1/2 onion, 1 yellow squash, 1 large tomato, 1 green bell pepper, cut into pieces and roasted in a bit of oil and salt at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or so. Skins removed from the tomato and bell pepper after roasting. Everything chopped into small pieces after that.
Other stuff: Italian seasonings, 1 cup brown rice, 1/2 cup quinoa, about 4 cups of chicken broth, 1 cup of red wine, a bit of butter and olive oil, and 6 cherry tomatoes: seeds and 'goop' removed and pressed through strainer to reserve liquid; finely chopped.

Cooking method: Melt 1-2 tablespoons of butter and a drizzle of olive oil in a nonstick pot. When butter is melted, add aromatic vegetables, seasoned with salt and pepper.

After aromatic vegetables have softened, add brown rice and quinoa and sautee until rice becomes opaque (it can be hard to tell, but it takes 3-5 minutes). Add 1 cup of chicken broth, along with chopped cherry tomatoes and their liquid, set burner to medium to medium-low heat, and stir.

From here on out: when liquid is almost absorbed, add more, about a half cup at a time, stirring every 3 minutes or so. After adding about two cups of broth, add the wine, then return to adding broth. Taste frequently for seasoning (I added dried oregano and Italian herbs, some red pepper flakes, and a pinch of saffron).

After adding almost all of the broth, stir in the roasted vegetables and the rest of the broth. Continue stirring and cooking until liquid is absorbed, but risotto still has a viscous quality to it. You may need to add a little more water or broth to make sure that the brown rice is cooked to your liking.

After turning off the heat, optionally, shredded parmesan and/or mozzarella cheese can be stirred in, as well as chopped parsley and/or basil. The flavor profile is pretty open to other additions, or changes to the vegetables. This recipe made at least 5 servings (I'll see when I run out). Making delicious risotto is easy and a great way to use CSA vegetables :). I'll be sure to get a picture uploaded soon to go along with this post.

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